1. C. Anthony Anderson (University of California at Sante Barbara, USA)
2. Gabriele De Anna (University of Bamberg, Germany; and University of Udine, Italy) Normativity, ontological order and the existence of God
3. Andrea Bottani (University of Bergamo, Italy) and Riccardo Fedriga (University of Bologna) Ockham, Plantinga and the Row of Ants
4. Christopher Daly (University of Manchester, UK) The Euthyphro Dilemma and Metaphysical Dependence
5. Michał Głowala (University of Wrocław, Poland) Polygeny, pleiotropy and theistic ontology
6. Christian Kanzian (University of Innsbruck, Austria) Bottom-up versus Top-down
7. Jason Megill (Carroll College, USA) Ontological Frameworks and Arguments for Theism
8. Uwe Meixner (University of Augsburg, Germany) What Evil Must Be in Order to Exist
9. Elisa Paganini (University of Milan, Italy) Normative Rules for Indeterminacy
10. Lorenz B. Puntel (University of Munich) Die Gottesfrage heute: Eine Kritik gegenwärtiger Positionen und ein neuer systematischer philosophischer Ansatz
11. Ruben Schneider (Free University of Berlin) Freedom and (Pan-)Entheism
12. Scott Shalkowski (University of Leeds, UK) Divine Metaphysics: Rethinking Divine Simplicity
13. Alfredo Tomasetta (University of Bergamo, Italy) Subjective Physicalism and God’s Omniscience
14. Peter van Inwagen (Notre Dame University, USA) God’s Being and Ours
15. William F. Vallicella (Gold Canyon, Arizona, USA) Does God Exist Because He Ought to Exist?