The following is a list of current and previous research projects in philosophy carried out by people associated with ICFO at the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology.

Duration Principal Investigator
Funding agency Program line
Title  Funding
– 2025.02.06
dr Paula Quinon NCN OPUS 21 Conceptual Structure of Natural Numbers. Modeling Numerical Cognition by Conceptual Spaces 234 606,00 PLN
– 2025.08.09
dr hab. Marcin Koszowy NCN OPUS 20 LAP An Argumentative Model of Rephrase: Pragmatic and Rhetorical Approach [AMoRe] 753 685,50 PLN
– 2025.07.31
dr hab. Katarzyna Budzyńska Volkswagen
Artificial Intelligence
– Its Effects on Tomorrow’s Society
Deliberation Laboratory [DeLab]

201 900,00 EURO
– 2024.01.25
dr Hajo Greif NCN OPUS 19 Turing, Ashby, and ‘the Action of the Brain’ 767 130,00 PLN
– 2022.12.31
dr hab. Katarzyna Budzyńska Politechnika Warszawska CYBERIADA-2 From Controversy to Consensus: An Insight into Conflicts in online Public Discourse [Con2Con]
170 809,50 PLN
– 2023.08.31
dr hab. Katarzyna Budzyńska EC European Training Networks Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence [NL4XAI] (WP lead) 227 478,60 EUR
– 2022.06.25
dr Frank Zenker NCN OPUS 18 Theory Construction and the Empirical Social and Behavioral Sciences 740 760,00 PLN
– 2023.03.02
dr Antonio Vassallo NCN OPUS 17 Self-Subsisting Structures in Quantum Gravity 993 300,00 PLN
– 2020.04.23
dr Bartłomiej Skowron NCN MINIATURA 2 Ontology of Mathematical Form in Saunders Mac Lane 29 438,00 PLN