IInd International Ontological Workshop 
Substantiality and Causality

February 11-12, 2013 Łódź (Poland)

The Institute of Philosophy, Łódź University, Kopcińskiego 16/18

Monday, Feb. 11


8.50-9.00        Opening address

09.00-10.15    Marek Rosiak, Łódź University

Substantiality and causality – traditional and transcendental approach

10.15-10.35        Break

10.35-11.50    Jeff Mitscherling, Guelph University, Canada

Consciousness, Intentionality, and Causality

11.50-12.10       Break

12.10-13.25    Filip Kobiela, AWF, Kraków

The Causal Structure of the World in Ingarden’s Ontology

13.30-16.30       Lunch & siesta

16.30-17.45   Damian Leszczyński, Wrocław University

Causality and Time. Some Remarks on Bergson’s Metaphysics

17.45-18.05       Break

18.05-19.20   Bartłomiej Skowron, Wrocław University &  John Paul II Univ., Kraków

Extension as the background of substance – a formal approach



Tuesday, Feb. 12


09.00-10.15    Uwe Meixner, University of Augsburg

The Case for Agent Causation

10.15-10.35       Break

10.35-11.50    Ludger Jansen, University of Rostock

Functions and Dispositions in Artefacts and Living Beings

11.50-12.10       Break

12.10-13.25    Marek Piwowarczyk, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski, Lublin

A Philosophical Concept of Force

13.30-16.30       Lunch & siesta

16.30-17.45    Daniel von Wachter, Internationale Akademie für Philosophie, Liechtenstein

Causation Through Tendencies

17.45-18.05       Break

18.05-19.20    Leszek Wroński, Jagiellonian University

The Common Cause Principle from Reichenbach to today 



Prof. Marek Rosiak, University of Łódź, rosiak@uni.lodz.pl,

Prof. Mirosław Szatkowski, University of Munich, misza@gmx.de