In cooperation with the Academia Europaea, the ICFO invites you to an open and interdisciplinary seminar entitled Philosophy and Mathematics. The seminar will take place in Wrocław on October 5, 2018. Participants will reflect on what divides and connects contemporary philosophy and mathematics. On Saturday, October 6th, there will be a panel discussion entitled Mathematics, Philosophy and Mathematical Philosophy. The panel will be attended by conference speakers. (more…)
Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics and Philosophy

Category Theory in Physics, Mathematics and Philosophy

What is the role of category theory (in brief CT) in physics, mathematics and philosophy? Is CT just a useful language of some parts of mathematics and theoretical physics or are categories new structures that are important for these fields? How can categories be used in modern physics? What is the role of CT in the philosophy of mathematics? Is CT a new foundation of mathematics or is it a kind of organization of mathematics? Is the arrow-ontology of CT a new kind of ontology? The conference will address the questions mentioned above…continue reading →
Quo vadis, Metaphysics?

Quo vadis, Metaphysics?

The old philosophical discipline of metaphysics – after having been pronounced dead by many – has enjoyed a significant revival within the last thirty years, due to the application of the methods of Analytical Philosophy. To this revival, the outstanding American metaphysician Peter van Inwagen has significantly contributed. At the conference, papers can – but not necessarily have to – consider aspects of van Inwagen’s metaphysical positions: on material beings, freedom of the will, the problem of evil, existence, identity, modality, etc. With or without connection to van Inwagen’s work, the conference will…continue reading →